MOON Object System
for Museum Teams
Organize up to 100,000 objects, whether it’s an entire collection or a selection of works.
Customize data for any type of object or project using your own terminology.
Upload object data via CSV. Download via CSV or JSON.
Manage object media in one space: images, audio files, video files, and documents. Each file can be up to 50 MB.
Create customizable views of object information (for example, for an object type or current project).
Collaborate on projects featuring your objects: exhibitions, catalogs, collection surveys, etc. Ditch the spreadsheets and shared docs.
Get started in minutes. MOON’s modern, minimal interface is easy to use. Just create a Base, customize forms and fields for your collections and projects, and add your objects.
Create outstanding object displays to share on your own site with Modules.
Create Modules using your existing object information and media. You decide what you want to share – just toggle fields on and off.
Publish and share one Module with your Base subscription, with the option to add more publishable Modules.
Make updates to Modules with ease.
Embed a Module on your own site with a simple line of code. Override Module CSS variables and styles as necessary to complement your site’s look and feel.
With Modules, you can:
Highlight a new acquisition or donation
Share an exciting discovery
Feature an object of the day, week, or month
Present a key work in an exhibition
Create digital object labels
Share a custom slideshow
Manage collections and create digital content in one space.