Creating a Module

You’ve done a terrific job organizing your object collection!

Now you’re ready to share engaging content created with your objects. That’s exactly what MOON Object System Modules are for. With Modules, you can easily select the object information and media files you want to display.

As soon as you start a 7-day trial or a subscription for your MOON Base, you can start creating Modules.

With a 7-day Base trial, you can create as many modules as you like, but you won’t be able to share them without a subscription.

With a Base subscription, you can create as many modules as you like and share one Module via url and/or embed it on your own website. Learn more in Sharing a Module.

Module Types

Featured Object Module

The Featured Object Module is the perfect way to showcase one of your fantastic objects. You can display multiple images, audio, and video files.

This Module is ideal for:

  • Highlighting a new acquisition or donation
  • Showcasing your latest work
  • Presenting a key exhibition object
  • Featuring an object of the day, week, or month
  • Telling the story of a work's discovery, provenance, conservation, etc.
  • Creating digital object labels

Slideshow Module

With the Slideshow Module, you can add up to 50 objects. It’s ideal for:

  • Highlighting a thematic selection of works
  • Showcasing your latest creations
  • Presenting key exhibition objects
  • Enhancing an in-gallery object label with an option to view additional images digitally

More Modules coming soon!

Adding a New Module

Step 1:

From the Objects page (after selecting one object), or from an individual Object page, use the menu to select Add to Module.

Add to Module

Step 2:

Select Featured Object.

Featured Object Selection

Editing Your Module

When you get started, you’ll take a short, helpful tour of the Module Builder (you can access the tour from the menu if you’d like to see it again).

Module Tour

Step 1:

Give your Module a title and select Done when complete. You’ll decide if you want to display this title later.

Module Title

Step 2:

In the Module Editor, under Object, select Field Data. You’ll see all the data for your object and all the Blueprint fields in which you’ve saved information. Title appears first; other fields appear in alphabetical order.

View Field Data

Step 3:

Toggle on the fields for which you’d like information to be displayed in the Module.

Toggle Field Data

Step 4:

Arrange the order of displayed object information by dragging and dropping fields in the Module Editor or the text elements in the Module Viewer.

Reorder Text

Always remember to Save as you make updates to your Module!

Save Your Module

Step 5:

In the Module Editor, under Object, select Media. Toggle on the media files you'd like to include and arrange the order by dragging and dropping. For the Featured Object Module, multiple files will display as a slideshow.

Select Your Module Media Files

You’re off to a great start! Now it’s time to update your Module Settings, where you can update Layout and Appearance.

Update Module Settings

Step 6:

Open Layout. Here you can select your preferred aspect ratio, the number of columns, and adjust padding.

Update Module Layout

Step 7:

In Appearance you can select color and font options. Your highlight color will appear in the slideshow navigation and in video and audio controllers.

You’ll also decide whether or not you’d like to show the title of the Module and the captions.

Update Module Appearance

Step 8:

Start refining text in your Module Viewer by double clicking individual elements.

Here we’ll change the color of the Module Title.

Update Text Color

And we’ll update the font size of the Module Title using the slider.

Update Text Size and Font

If you'd like to show a Field Label, you can use the toggle. This option works well for works with more than one artist to differentiate the artists' roles.

Show a Field Label

Adjust margins using the sliders.

Adjust Your Margins

This module is looking good! However, if you change your mind later, it’s simple to make updates.

View of Module in Progress

Step 9:

Notice that your Module is responsive when you resize your web browser.

Click on the phone icon in the upper right of the Module Viewer to see the Mobile View. Make any necessary adjustments and go back to the full view.

Mobile View

Delete a Module Draft

If you decide to delete your drafted Module, select Delete from the menu and confirm your preference.

Delete a Module

View Your Modules

When you select Modules from the MOON menu, you'll see all the Modules you've created. Click to view or update.

Ready to share? Check out Sharing a Module.

Module Page