Adding Objects

You’ve perfected your Blueprints – good job! Now it’s time to start adding your objects and inputting information.

Add a Single Object

To add a new object to your Base, click or tap the + icon on your Objects page. Give the object a title and select the ideal Blueprint from the dropdown list (your Core Blueprint will be selected by default).

Add an Object

The selected Blueprint determines the fields you will see.

Blank Object Form

We'll begin by adding an image (jpg, png, or webp). Double-click Add Files or drag the image into the Add Files box or upload. (You can do this later if you don't have an available image).

Image on Object Page

Enter object information in the fields. Fields that require information are indicated by an asterisk. In the Tags field, you’ll enter helpful key words (for example, butterflies). When you're finished, remember to save using the button at lower right.

Enter Object Data

Import a Batch of Objects

If you'd like to upload a group of objects, the first step is to determine the ideal Blueprint for that particular batch.

Object data can be uploaded via CSV for a single Blueprint type. To help you get started, the MOON Object System generates helpful, downloadable CSVs based on the fields in your Blueprints.

You can upload data for 500 objects at a time.

Please see the CSV Guidelines for detailed instructions on how to download a CSV template, how to enter information, and how to upload a CSV to your Base.

Add Files

For each object, you can add multiple images (jpg, png, webp, or gif), videos (mp4), audio files (mp3), and pdfs.

Click Files.

  • The file size limit for a Base with a trial membership is 5 MB per file.
  • The file size limit for a Base with a subscription is 50 MB per file.

Select your Primary Image, designated by a star in the upper left corner of the image. This is the image you'll see when you view your Base objects. (You can also update your Primary Image on the Object page.)

View Files

For each file, you can add a caption, alt text, rights and credit information, and notes. You can use Markdown to style your caption text (for example, we've added single asterisks around the title to italicize it). Always remember to save.

In the Actions menu at right, you can choose to download the original file or alternate sizes (as WebPs). You can also delete your file.

image information

When you go back to the object page, the caption will appear below the Primary Image.

Primary Image with Caption

It's easy to add objects to your Base. Remember, you can add up to 100,000 object records!